Summary Information on Credit Institutions

Registration of credit institutions (CIs) 

1. Total number of CIs registered by the Bank of Abkhazia, including: 26
◦ banks 22
◦ non-bank CIs 4
1.1. Number of registered CIs with 49 percent foreign participation in the capital 5
1.2. Total number of CIs, which were registered by the Bank of Abkhazia, but have not yet paid authorised capital and have not received a licence (within the legally prescribed period), including:  -
◦ banks -
◦ non-bank CIs -

Active credit institutions 

2. Total number of CIs with a right to conduct banking operations 11
◦ banks 10
◦ non-bank CIs 1
2.1. CIs with licences that grant the right to  
◦ attract household deposits; 7
◦ conduct operations in foreign currency; 9
◦ general licences; 6
◦ operations with precious metals 1
2.2. CIs with foreign participation in the authorised capital 3
3. Registered authorised capital of active CIs (in thousands of rubles), including foreign capital (number/share)

546 949

86 118

(15,75 %)

4. Total number of branches of active CIs on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia 8
of them: Sberbank of Abkhazia 7
5. Total number of branches of active CIs abroad
6. Branches of non-resident banks in the Republic of Abkhazia 
7. Total number of representatives of active CIs 1
◦ on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia
◦ abroad 1
Recall of licences and liquidation of legal entities  
8. CIs that lost their licences to conduct banking operations but are not excluded from the State Register of Credit Institutions 4
9. Total number of entries made in the State Register of Credit Institutions, on account of the CI’s liquidation as a legal entity 11
◦ in connection with the revocation (cancellation) of licence 9
◦ in connection with reorganisation 2
of them:  
◦ by merger  
◦ by acquisition 1
◦ by being transformed into branches of other banks 1
◦ by merging with other banks (without creating a branch)  
◦ in connection with violation of the law regarding the payment of the authorised capital  
◦ due to a voluntary decision of the shareholders 2